A Soldiers Soldier
By David J. Walker
That Facebook picture I posted is a
Perfecting likeness
of the way I remember you
A soldiers -soldier
1st Sgt … Top
The N C O I C for all occasions
Checking beds &
Checks heads
Checking to make sure we were
Present in the present
And dressed as the best
dress right dress soldiers
The early morning leader of
A three-mile run before chow
There needs to be a panel on the Wall
For soldiers like you how survived it all
In the Nam only to die
of the invisible wounds
When they buried you
I could not be there
But still took my place
on a handle of the casket
and saluted as they played taps
unable to hide my tears
We have since sat together
Sharing a beers in a bar
You quietly listening as I talked about
Old times – Our times
people stare a stop and stare
At the old man mumbling
A chortle alone
Sometimes humming an ancient
Rock n roll song
That Facebook picture haunts my phone
David J Walker 1954: Born in Denver, Co 1972: Volunteer, US Army. 1979: BA in Communications from Texas Tech University 1975-2021: Broadcast Journalist and Radio station owner Currently: Disabled Veteran, Retired in Lubbock, Texas working on a MA at Texas Tech University.