Heavy Settings

By Rebecca Thrush

By Rebecca Thrush

Hot and red around my throat
Like the time I poured myself
Down into the space between two rocks
I am trapped under the weight
Of your expectations

You placed each bead onto string
Stolen tears pressurized into opals
And they are heavy upon my wrists
I cannot lift my hands to ease the weight
Of what you thought I might be

And now I dream of white snow
Icy relief falling around my face
In the depths of an inky freshwater lake
Because I love the water but you are afraid
Of sharks that may smell your truths


Rebecca Thrush appears in Open Minds Quarterly (Summer 2020) and is online with Indolent Books, Coffin Bell Journal, Oddball Magazine, Coffee People Zine (Issue 13), and Wingless Dreamer (Flee to Spring). She works in property management but has an undying love for reading and writing. The daughter of two Navy veterans, writing became both a creative outlet and a connection to her father during the years he was active duty. When not working, she enjoys cooking vegan recipes with her loving partner.

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